CNT – Cantiere Nautico Trasimeno

Gianluca Cecchetti, Cnt Boat founder

Gianluca Cecchetti, Cnt Boat founder

The story of our shipyard begins three generation ago in a beautiful street of the historic center of Perugia.

My father’s uncle held a workshop he had inherited from his own father, that was among the most famous ebanisteries of that time in my city.

Then my father also started to feel himself finally invested of the seal, therefore the suitable baggage of knowledge in the workmanship of the wood, and he decided opening up his own shop and passing me in the following years the knowledge and the love for this art.

Toward the middle of the 1990s I’ve been in contact with the marvelous world of the nautical and I started to produce the furnish for some among the most famous national yards. From that moment I have started to feel the desire to create boats that represented my thought: to use a noble material as the wood whose characteristics are endless, conbining its impressive beauty and the implementation of all information and knowledge I have (had) gathered by my predecessors over the years until that moment.

CNT yard’s boats are unique products, they are manually built and assembled piece after piece, both their materials and the most advanced technologies join perfectly the lore of the craft old teaching.

And here we are trying to settle today who am I: a person who certainly looks ahead giving equal importance to the conferring the correct value to the assessment and outcome that progress made but I am also deeply committed to the lessons learned from the past, the same that made our Country great beginning with a very simple philosophy in which doing,by definition, is a default position. That philosophy is translated into all languages and world-renowned as the Made in Italy universal trademark.

Our aim is to build elevated merit and quality boats that are meant for people desiring a unique, exclusive and personal object like it was a suit made on purpose. For that reason,

My goal both as planner and builder is to make customers feel as if they were looking at a reflection of themselves in their boats and let them appreciate every on board moment.

In the process of creating a wooden boat I try to voice the feelings and then I work on designs and models, finally they take a real form.

If you can imagine something really beautiful and then open your eyes and start building it up…

So during the process it is like a music was playing until the end and this makes me and the yard workers involved with the same project, to give customer the emotion of a unique and unrepeatable product

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About Our Yachts

Il Sito è ancora in allestimento.
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Il Sito è ancora in allestimento.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi eleifend ante mauris, nec tempus magna posuere id. Suspendisse leo risus, vestibulum sed urna nec, iaculis laoreet ex. In convallis eros quam, eu luctus mauris aliquam eu. Nulla id mollis elit. Pellentesque ut libero consectetur arcu lacinia dictum. Pellentesque tristique purus tortor, at rhoncus nisl molestie ut.

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Il Sito è ancora in allestimento.
Ut tempus ultricies velit, vitae luctus purus bibendum in. Proin pharetra sodales mauris at fringilla. Vestibulum fringilla tellus vel euismod auctor. Donec tincidunt mollis vulputate. Sed dignissim egestas lectus, et hendrerit sapien. Aenean sodales magna sapien, in feugiat eros viverra at. Sed vel metus at velit porta finibus nec ac arcu.

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